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Saints Reginou and Oresti Chapel

The chapel of Saints Riginos and Orestis stands on the north end of the village.

The chapel was rebuilt rather recently, specifically at the end of the 20th century. Internally the chapel is decorated with a simple iconostasis with portable icons. According to R. Gunnis, in 1935, there was a deserted church inside a cave. On the wall of this deserted church, as Gunnis adds, there was a fig tree which “Kitchener in 1882” wanted to cut down so the island’s charting would be facilitated. In the end, villagers “persuaded” him not to cut the fig tree and “built a special platform on it”.

According to tradition, Saints Riginos and Orestis visited the island to indoctrinate Christianity. The Idolater habitats of the island arrested the two Saints and after torturing them, they beheaded them. Christians who were present at this martyrdom secretly collected the holy relics and buried them at the island.

Saint Riginos’ tomb is in Fasoula, next to the Saints Riginos and Orestis Chapel. His grave’s exact location was revealed to a priest when the Saint appeared to him through a dream.

What is important to note is the fact that the place where the Christians decided to bury the Saint was probably a lord’s tomb. This is concluded by paintings, which can be distinguished even today on the tomb. One of them depicts a hunter in the woods. According to Gunnis, this sarcophagus “definitely belongs to the 5th century”.

What needs to be mentioned is that R. Gunnis consider the abovementioned tomb as belonging to Archbishop Riginos and not Saint Riginos. However, his claim does not seem valid since Archbishop Riginos’s Episcopal see was in Konstantia at the east side of the island thus, it would be impossible for him to be buried in Fasoula.

The Saint’s relic is connected to a series of miracles. His tomb is under the auspices of the Department of Antiquities. According to Oral Tradition, the Saint had protected the village when it was in danger. This is why he is the patron Saint of the village of Fasoula. His holly relic was transferred to the monastery of Saint Prodromos in Skopelos.

Every year on the 20th august, that is, the celebration of Saint Riginos, the greatest feast takes place in Fasoula at the chapel’s precinct. The rest of the year, the chapel celebrates only baptisms.

More information can be found on the page referring to Saint Riginos.




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