Our community is successfully hosting a series of events aiming to raise money for charities, to promote the community as well as to keep our traditions and civilization alive. Honourable guests, the community residents as well as community expatriates are attending our events.

Αιμοδοσία στη Φασούλα 8/3/2020

Εγκαίνια πρωτοποριακής μονάδας ανακύκλωσης 29.11.2019 / Opening of innovative recycling plant 29.11.

Εκστρατεία Καθαριότητας 3.11.2019 / Cleaning campaign 3.11.2019

Συναυλία με τον Παντελή Θαλασσινό 17.9.2019 / Concert with Pantelis Thalassinos 17.9.2019

30ο Φεστιβάλ Ρεσιού 24.8.2019 / 30th Resi Festival 24.8.2019